Aumenta tu productividad con tu equipo remoto y ahorra hasta un 70% en tu nómina.
Nuestros servicios integrales de recursos humanos y contratación crearán e incorporarán de manera eficiente a su equipo remoto en un lapso de 14 días.
1. Profiling
You will be asked for the role you want to fill, their duties, and the requirements to make sure we find you a perfect match. Review our agreement, and then sign it. No upfront fees are needed.
2. Match with our talent pool
Within the next 5 business days, you will receive videos and resumes from our selected candidates that were already interviewed by us.
3. Select your new team member
Select the most suitable candidate based on your requirements, and leave the rest to us. Specify the desired start date, and we will ensure that your new team member is fully prepared and ready to contribute effectively.
Reclatam Solutions
We connect you with skilled, English-speaking professionals and ensure a smooth onboarding process in under 21 days. Let us help you find remote talent that fits your culture and collaborates effectively within your time zone.
Direct Hire
Whether you need full support or just a helping hand, we can manage everything from sourcing and screening to candidate selection and onboarding.
¿Por qué contratar empleados remotos con RecLatam?
Ahorrarás: tiempo y dinero.
Save time and money
Contratar talento excepcional de América Latina a un costo significativamente reducido en comparación con la contratación dentro de los Estados Unidos. No se requiere pago por adelantado.
Reclutaremos, contrataremos, capacitaremos, incorporaremos y administraremos su equipo remoto. También nos encargaremos del cumplimiento internacional, la nómina y los recursos humanos liberándolo para concentrarse completamente en el crecimiento de su negocio.
What are the next steps after hiring?
We assist you in integrating new hires and provide recommendations on effective compensation and retention strategies for your top remote talent, ensuring a strong foundation for mutual success.
Access consistent support after bringing someone on board. As your organization grows, we stand ready to assist with expanding your team, whether it's through mass hiring, executive search, or additional services.